Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Confessor pg 478-603

Jennsen was taken to Jagang's army and not Jagang has her in his possession, but the more distressing news is that he found the original Book of Counted Shadows. With the book he has everything he needs to open the Boxes of Orden except the containment field in the Gardens of Life in the palace.
Rachel is visited by her "mother" again and Gratch carries her so she can give someone a message which is suppose to help Richard.
Jagang made contact and informed Richard that he had the choice of surrendering, waiting untill they built the bridge and having the soldiers massacre his palace, try and avoid both and have Jagang open the boxes unsafely, or use Six to get to the Garden of Life. Richard said he would consider the options. Jagang said the surrender required Richard's death and Nicci handed over, but saved his people.
Richard prepared himself to go to the underworld to try and gain what he needed to attempt to govern the powers of Orden and win if he could get close to them. When Richard went into the underworld, the beast followed him. After flashing forward we find out that the beast has trapped him, and Richard only has one option, use magic in a place in doesn't exist. It succeeds in killing the beast, but the recoil was about to kill Richard when we appeared in the spirit house. The Mud people used the spirit ritual to pull Richard out of the underworld just in time to save his life. We find out the Rachel came her and her message was to use this to save Richard a surprising foresight supporting the conclusion that the "mother" was Shota. Richard set out immediately for Tamarang.
Zedd, Rikka, and Tom were all caught by Six spells and were placed in the prison where Richard hid the Book of a War Wizard's Power. They found the book.
With the prolong absence of Richard at the palace they feared the worst and assumed the beast killed Richard in the underworld. Nathan decided to surrender, and they began preparations.
Kahlan still on her journey to Six with Samuel is traveling, but Samuel continues to act more suspicious. He ends attacking her and she is able to kill him by using her Confessor power. Samuel then tells her information she is not suppose to know because it corrupts the sterile field of the Chainfire reversal spell.
Richard found Kahlan soon after and had to indifferent to her new knowledge, but convinced her to come with him towards Tamarang.
They reached Tamarang and found Zed, Rikka, and Tom in the room with the book. Six attacked them, but Shota had bought her time and killed Six through deception. The book was blank. Zed told Richard it was the unwritten rule, and that Baraccus left it for him to know he had to figure it out. They need to get to the People's Palace quickly, so they use Six's dragon to fly there because he knows Richard from his mother and is willing to help.
Richard continues with the surrender to allow him to get close to the Boxes of Orden. Richard figured out what he needed just before Jagang got there. Jagang let the Sisters prepare the spell while he went to get Nicci. Nicci had a collar in her possession and used it to trap Jagang and led him back so he could witness the event. The Sisters completed the spell according to the book, but it failed. Richard figured out the key to the power of Orden was the Sword of Truth. Their safety method was the user had to be able to turn the Sword white as only people acting now out of hate could. Richard forced Jagang to face an insignificant death. Then he used the Sword of Truth to command the Boxes of Orden. With the power he made two worlds one without magic for the Order to suffer due to their own ideology and one for the people of the New World. The world for the Order may eventually come to see the error in their ways, but it is never a short road to eradicating the ideas of evil. The world without magic will be infected with Chainfire to make them forget what happened and insure the erase of magic. The pristinely ungifted asked to go to the world without magic, so that magic could thrive in Richard's world. Kahlan also had her memory restored because she did not violate the sterile field in a different way.
The book ended with Cara's wedding to General Meiffert, and the quote from Richard "Your life is yours alone. Rise up and live it."
The last wizard's rule that was never said is that we cannot accept things unquestionably told to us from our forefathers as fact. Sometimes there are lies and we have to learn the truth for ourselves. Completely belief in the words of the past blinds us to advance our society in a new and better direct.

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