Saturday, May 7, 2011

Confessor pg 293-328

Richard is beginning to worry because he has not seen Kahlan or Jagang at any of the recent Ja'La dh Jin matches lately. The owner of his team tells him that he has not missed the notice of the emperor, so he has laid his hopes on Jagang showing up for the final match when he faces the emperor's team.
The Sisters of the Dark has been inspecting the Books of Counted Shadows which Jagang has brought them, and they have discovered between all of the books there is one different in one of the spell forms in each of the books. With knowledge or insight into more books they are at a dead end. Jagang decides to go to see the Ja'La games. With the arrive at Richard's game he sees that Nicci is also captured and freezes for a second only to be smashed by those playing around him. He gets up with some difficulty, but goes on to win the game which allows his team to face the emperor's team.
While Richard is recovering for the next game, members of the emperor's team are sent to kill him to insure victory. Richard defends himself while making sure not to kill them which would result in punishment. The owner of the team shows up to end the fight. The actions are dismissed as just part of Ja'La dh Jin. The emperor promised to let Richard's owner Commander Karg have Nicci for a night if his team won the game as a bet, so Jagang has strong motives to prevent their success.
At the People's Palace Adie has decided to leave because with her gift diminished in the place and her being blind without it she is having difficulty functioning and can be better use else where. She is playing to sneak away the night of the Ja'La final game, so she may be some assistance in Richard's plan.
Ja'La dh Jin means the game of life, so there views about it show some truths they believe about the life. When they attacked Richard to eliminate him for victory they saw no problem because although it is not "fair" in life victory means everything to them; morals are secondary. Jagang's bet adds weight to the game that could possible be manipulated.

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