Monday, May 9, 2011

Confessor pg. 329-388

Richard prepared for the game against Jagang's team through repainting the his men then going through the game plan. When he arrived at the game Jagang was not there, but he soon returned. The emperor's team were much larger and stronger than Jagang's team, but they used new organized tactics to confused and overpower the other team. Richard forced Jagang into situations were he had to use his power as emperor to make unfair calls so his team would not lose because he did not want to have to give up Nicci to Karg. Later in the game Richard ran a play that allowed Johnrock to score, but in response the other team ran a play to kill him. Richard showed that even the emperor team must obey the rules he place because he then lured the 3 members of the emperor's team to the safe zone and killed all of them with the broc and scored. Richard purposely manipulated the score to keep the game close. He would not score when he could, but also scored immediately after they did to stay tied. He was only doing what was necessary; he was saving energy. Nicci suspected he was going to start a war. She was right.
Richard in the final possession (in the beginning of the game he gave them the first possession to make sure he got the last one) scored a 2 point throw to win the game, but Jagang ruled that he went out of bounds before to prevent his victory then he scored another before the end and Jagang overruled that one too for no reason. The crowd became riotous and the thousands watching began to fight.
In the commotion Richard used the time to try and shoot Jagang with an arrow and kill him, but someone moved in the way and took the first arrow so the second only wounded him. After that, Richard made his way to Kahlan, Nicci, and Jillian killing Karg in the process. He started towards the ramp to take the underground passage, but on the way he ran into a Sister who used magic to paralyze him. Kahlan escaped with Samual who showed up during the battle, and before Richard was captured, Adie and General Meiffert returning from the Old World because of some trouble they encountered. They quickly devised a plan to try an sneak there way to the palace.
Jagang's actions contradicted the belief that the everyone in the Imperial Order is equal and to be prideful is a sin. It helps shows the flaws of the order because corrupt organizations do not follow their own rules.

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