Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Naked Empire pg. 424-492

Tom is arriving back at the Richard's camp with Owen's people. Richard goes out to meet these people, and then explains to them who and what they are. That they are the ungifted descendants of Alric Rahl, and how they were banished from the world to protect the survival of magic. He then ended the banishment and proclaimed that they could now once again become members of D'Hara as long as they followed the laws set in place. Then he forced them to vote to give him the antidote of the poison before he would decide to help them, or to use the poison to force him to help them, so that he could learn whether he could trust them. They told him where the antidote was, but would not agree to him him fight off the Order. In Richard's frustration he realized that the engraving on the statue was mistranslated by him, and meant something different.
The doctrine of Owen's people prevents them from protect themselves against others crimes. They are unable to see the evil that is present making them vulnerable to any evil which is present. We cannot forces ourselves to ignore something because we wish it was not present, but we must give it enough attention that we can find the solution to it.

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