Friday, February 25, 2011

Chainfire pg 283-323

Verna is in at the People's Palace with Berdine to look check the volumes of prophecy there to see if the same discrepancy is present in the prophecy blanks are appearing in all books of prophecy. Verna does not tell Berdine what is wrong, and then asked her questions about a few books in one of the libraries to see if she see the same problem without planting a suggestion which could influence the perception. Berdine found the same problem in the prophecy proving what we already know that Kahlan has gone missing in the prophecies too.
Verna was forced into a devotion because she was at the People's Palace at the proper time, and through it she found meaning in her life again. She found was she was really fighting for and finally found reassurance in Warren's death.
Then she checked to make sure the Boxes of Orden were safe, and they were. The First File guarding them now has weapons that can penetrate any magic barrier to eliminate wizards. As far as Verna could tell, everything was fine.
Many of the characters have found resolve and meaning in the devotions, and I think it is trying to show the value of just stopping and thinking for a part of your day to analyze things and find meaning for yourself. The Boxes of Orden keep getting mentioned and they have not been a concern since the first book, so I think they are soon going to be involved with the solution to one of the problems.

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