Saturday, February 19, 2011

Chainfire pg 127-173

Ann and Nathan found a prophecy that indicates the final battle which will decide the fate of both worlds is coming soon, and only with Richard leading them they have a chance of success. They immediately rush off to find Richard taking Tom with them and leaving Jennsen to watch over their new discovery and the Bandakar people.
Richard has arrived at Altur'rang and tries once more to convince them of the reality of Kahlen. They still do not concede to the point, but soon he finds other important matters at hand. The Imperial Order is coming to take back Altur'rang with a sizable force and they have a wizard with them. Richard decides that Nicci needs to stay and help them defend the city while he continues his journey.
I think Richard in his despair is missing things. In his argument for Kahlen's existence he did not push key points that would they could not have explained, and an easy solution of finding someone who can back him up is Jennsen because she is not effected by normal magic. Even if she cannot remember that reduces the causes down significantly. He is breaking the Wizard's Third Rule: Passion rules Reason. His is allowing himself to become distraught because of worrying which is distracting him from key pieces of the puzzle that he normally observes.

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