Thursday, April 14, 2011

Phantom pg 469-506

Richard has reached the wisp’s homeland, but he is exhausted. When he reaches there, he is initially turned back because the wisps are dying due to the corruption of magic. When he mentioned Shar’s promise of help and is able to tell them about another wisp that went looking for him that he never meet, they allowed him in and lead him to the secret library. It had been filled with sand though to keep people out. He went to a ridge and dig into the side of the library so the sand would pour out. He was able to retrieve the book, but it was all blank. He thought that it must be because he no longer had the gift to read such a book, and began to head to the Wizard’s Keep, but on the way out Six found him, and he had no sword or gift to protect him she quickly knocked him out with magic.
            Kahlan awoke in Jagang’s tent. The remaining Sisters and Jagang were still discussing the Book of Counted Shadows. Ulicia believes it is a fake copy because of Kahlan’s simple answer while Arminia thinks it still could be a real copy. Jagang reveals that he has another copy of it and soon will have others, so they can compare them and find which one is the original. From their conversation Kahlan learns that she is the Mother Confessor. She tries to kill Jagang with his knife she stole, but she failed.
            Six’s control of Richard without any defend through magic may become a problem. Kahlan is starting to regain the resistance against the Order she had even without her memory. Jagang does not plan to kill her, but make her suffer. Even without his gift I do not think Six will have as much control over Richard as she thinks, and since she is taking him to where the spell is he may be able to remove it to regain his gift with the book.

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