Monday, April 11, 2011

Phantom pg 349-379

Six somehow knows when Richard is in the sliph, so she completes the spell while he is in the sliph, but the beast attacked Richard while he was traveling, and because the beast is unpredictable he cannot be seen through Six’s power. Six and Violet work frantically to fix the spell to work in the new circumstances while Richard, Cara, and Nicci do there best to fight off the beast’s new form. In the sliph, magic just retaliates against to caster, so Nicci could not assist in its defeat. Despite Richard’s efforts to cut the tentacles of the beast he was losing the battle. Nicci and Cara had been ripped away from him, and then a sudden burst of magic hit him. Nicci and Cara awoke at the Wizard’s Keep, their destination, and quickly realize that Richard is not there. They hurry to Zed to talk to him and ask Jebra of her vision so they can learn where Richard is. They fear he is dead though because the agiels are not working. When they get to Jerba she is enchanted by Six who tries to kill her.
Six’s attempt to kill Jerba after in her mind means that she too needed to know where Richard was, but did not want them to learn. This means that Richard is probably alive. Also since the burst of magic was the spell Six used on Richard she did something that interfered with his gift because the agiels do not work. Six’s plan is starting to be revealed. She needs Richard for something along with the magic of drawing.

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