Monday, April 25, 2011

Confessor pg 71-118

Richard is talking with Johnrock a fellow teammate who is also a captured New World citizen when they are commanded to line up because the Emperor is coming around to inspect the different teams. Richard did not consider the problem that Jagang or Sisters would see him up close, and now he needed to find a way to disguise his face. On the way over he purposely falls to put mud on his face so they cannot recognize him, but before they are inspected Jagang is called away to a new discovery. Richard realizing he needed a permanent solution asks for paint to mark his men with symbols to separate them out and strike fear into their opponents and is able to get it.
Kahlan with Jagang watched Richard fall a realized that it was on purpose. Trying to think of a reason why someone would commit such and act, she figured out that he was hiding his face the same way she was using her hood to watch her guard. This gave farther evidence that Richard was on her side. Following Jagang, she found out what the discovery was. They had found another of the buried libraries in the Azrith Plain. In it they also found a Book of Counted Shadow. While there, guards come back with Jillian captured. She did not get away in the end even after Kahlan's struggle for her, and now Jagang has a tool to get Kahlan to do what he wants.
Richard uses red paint to mark his men. At first his men were hesitate, but soon they were fighting to be next. The symbols he used were adapted forms of the symbols of a war wizard to explain the movement of the dance of death and some were symbols from the Boxes of Orden, but they were combined in new ways original to prevent the Sisters from recognizing the spells. He saved one unique element for himself. He placed the lightning bolts of the Con Dar on his forehead. Con Dar his tided to the Confessor power it means Blood Rage.
Kahlan and Jallian were following the Emperor around as he watched the games. We learn how Ja'La games are played. They have 2 goals at opposing sides, and one team is the offensive for a period of time. They have to get the broc into the opposing goal by throwing it from behind a 1 or 2 point line. There is one "safe" block on the field that the other team cannot touch you on, but then they just surround you, and wait you out. The defense cannot score during their other team's period, but they can steal the broc. each team gets so many periods then as many as it takes to have a lead on their opponents. Besides that there are not rules; the game is meant to be bloody and to involve fighting and a struggle. Kahlan sees Richard's team in the paint, and everyone is astonished at their appearance.
The Ja'La game is a mirror of life in some manners. Their is no "safe spot" in life and the safe spot in the game becomes a trap to lose or face many at once. Life is a struggle; some may not consider it fair, but life is not always fair you have to fight the opposition you face and most of the time it is easier to try and dodge the struggles with planning then charge into them. The Con Dar emphasizes on Richard's intention in saving Kahlan regardless the consequences.

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