Saturday, March 19, 2011

Phantom pg 237-309

Samuel took Rachel to Six, but princess Violet was there also. Violet had now become queen at the death of her mother and was ruling we her unusual desire of other's suffering. Six had helped her heal after Kahlan and Richard had corrected problems in there kingdom, and now Violet was found to have the gift of magic art which can be used to trap people among other things. Six was teaching Violet about her gift and Samuel had retrieved the Box of Orden and Rachel at Violet's desire. Violent is planning revenge on Richard.
Kahlan is almost at Caska with the Sisters of the Dark when they find Jilian. Tovi had captured her grandfather and was making her wait and watch for them to come. The Sisters initially attack her, but Kahlan protected him until she told them what she was doing.
Richard went to the D'Hara through the sliph to tell the army to not engage the Order in a final battle. He has realized that there can be no victory against the force that size, so he is sending the army to break up into groups and terrorized the Old World so that the army cannot provide enough food for itself and will starve. They are going to be separate parties of soldiers attacking anything which could help the Order's army and hopefully free people like the ones in Alter'rang too. Richard is not going with them he is still working on fixing Chainfire and stopping the Sisters of the Dark.
I am glad that the Richard realized to charge the strategy because it goes back to the symbol of the starburst everyone kept trying to make the events lead to a final battle, but there it no solution for victory in it. The final battle was a trick and diversion that everyone focused on, and Richard understood that. Violet seems to be an immediate problem because if she used the art magic in Richard he will have to try and counter it and he may not succeed this time without the Sword of Truth. Richard needs to also find and get the book explaining his ability to he can help end the war.

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