Saturday, March 19, 2011

Diction exercise: Country Boys

Cody from the movie Country Boys mumbled homespun diction conveys and uncertainty in how to express himself appropriately. He spoke in mostly soft brief statements to answer question. He seemed to hesitate in his answers illustrating a worry of people misinterpreting him because of his experience with being mocked. While around friends, he uses more vulgar language and seems to be more open with less hesitation. He also expresses himself through music. He desires to be unique by playing heavy metal music while incorporating Christian beliefs which through personal experiences. There is a small span of emotion present in his voice when he speaks. All of the ways he communicates himself gives him a quality of shyness and fear of farther discrimination. Chris, from the same movie, has a clear colloquial language that has a tone of uncertainty showing a lack of confidence. Chris does not speak softly or short statements, but will ramble sometimes expressing the same concern almost to himself multiple times. He has a much wider range of emotion in his voice, but the most commonly found is worry or uncertainty. He has high aspirations seen through a fictional character he made up to help support him, but he is ridden with fears or not accomplishing those goals. He rarely was anything but respectful to others. Chris’s fears of the future presented themselves in his respectful homely diction. 

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