Sunday, January 23, 2011

Naked Empire pg. 246-294

Owen gives Richard the antidote, and it cures him of the present infection, but it has not purged the poison from his system. The only way to get more of the antidote is in Owen's homeland forcing Richard to come help his people. Richard later wakes up and learns of the situation.
Richard asks a sequence of question that leads Owen into telling why he is here, and to inform Richard of the situation he is facing. As demonstrated from Owen's mind set his people abhor violence and before the Imperial Order came, they would not ever harm animals that may attack them. They banished anyone who could not be conformed to this way, but when the boundaries fell because of the Chimes the Imperial Order invaded, and started making requests to keep the peace. The request kept being met by Owen's people wanting no place in the a fight, but soon the Imperial Order learned that they had use for the people too and began to take them away. Even after this Owen's people stood vigilant and would not try and cause violence, but soon the Order had taken everything they had, and a few broken from the old ways to try and come up with a plan to free their people. They decided that Richard was their only hope because they could not fight, so they sent Owen who was banished because for standing  against the elders when the Order had first started their demands.
I think these illustrates that we can never be static in how we deal with problems that face us in our lives. Although Owen's peoples ideas had giving them a paradise for a time, when they faced a force that would could not be faced with their beliefs, they held on to them too long causing them to lose everything they had. They would not respond to warnings, and dismissed the problems that they saw coming as something that could never happen and it did. Sometimes we try not to believe the a future we do not want to see, but only the truth can prepare us for it.

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