Sunday, January 23, 2011

Naked Empire pg. 207-246

Ann has found Nathan Rahl at the Peoples Place, but is then immediately captured by Nyda who sends Ann into the magic safe prison under the place. It seems like Nathan may be aiming for vengeance because he is locking Ann up just like she locked him up, and when she asked to see him the guard responded with a parallel statement that Ann would always tell Nathan, but from previous experience with Nathan's character I think something else is going on. He is from what we have seen benevolent and as a prophet tends to do unusual things  at times, but all of them have been for the good of the people. Him may be just playing a game from Ann and release her shortly, so she understands what she did to him, or their may be an underlying reason for it.
Owen the reappears to Richard's camp with an antidote to cure Richard of his life threatening sickness. Owen appears to have given Richard a poison on his last visit so that he could use Richard's life to force him to help free his people. My suspicions were confirmed that Owen and his people are ungifted, and that the boundaries were separating them from the rest of the world, and that with the release of the chimes the boundaries fell allowing the Imperial Order to try and utilize them for their war. This poses serious concerns because now they can make armies of people unaffected by the gift. These chapters answer some of the questions to fill in the blanks that I had predicted, but it leave missing pieces that we do not know about yet such as the races, the Slider, and Richard's magic failing.

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